主演: 杰西·艾森伯格 Jesse Eisenberg / 阿兹·安萨里 / 丹尼·麦克布耐德 / 尼克·斯旺森 / Dilshad Vadsaria / 迈克尔·佩纳 / 比安卡·卡里什 / 弗莱德·沃德
类型: 喜剧, 动作, 犯罪, 冒险
地区: 美国
片长: 83分钟
上映: 2011-08-12
有幸参加了Ain’t It Cool News组织的30 minutes or less7月7号在芝加哥的试映会(曲折的进场经历就是另一个故事了)和影片结束后半个小时的Q&A。看了一场不错的喜剧,见到了两位主演 Jesse Eisenberg和Aziz Ansari. Double success!
影片的大致剧情,主角Nick(Jesse饰演)是小镇上的披萨外卖员,披萨店的招牌是”30 minutes or less(保证30分钟内送到外卖,超时不收钱)”. Nick每天的工作就是开着他的破车送披萨外卖,经常受老板白眼,有时被隔着两个小镇的想吃霸王餐的小屁孩捉弄。业余生活无非是和青梅竹马的朋友 Chet(Aziz Ansari饰演) 在家里看看动作片;和Chet的双胞胎妹妹吃饭聊天,心里酝酿下对她多年暗恋情愫神马的。平静很快被两个不务正业的混混打破,混混Dwayne打算借他人 之手杀了中彩票的老爹,急需雇佣杀手的1万美元;损友Travis帮他想主意捣鼓炸弹。二人借订外卖的名义绑架了前来送货的Nick,在他身上绑了炸弹要 挟他去银行抢1万美元。之后的8个小时内Nick和老友Chet经历了惊慌失措、和心上人表白、购置抢劫装备(假枪、走路车辆等等)、抢银行、飞车逃离警 察、和杀手打架、和混混们谈判、交接赃物等等一系列活动,其间由二人“没经验”引发无数笑点;伴随着两个混混的各种荒唐愚蠢,影片在1个半小时内紧凑利落 地结束。
演员们的表演都不错。Jesse没发挥他超人般快速念台词的功力,但一如既往的可口:戴棒球帽,抽烟(只有两个叼着烟头的镜头),飙车,拿着假枪乱挥舞… 印象比较深刻的反倒是是两个混混配角,没有炸弹压力的两人担负起了搞笑的重任。
正片后的Q&A大概半小时左右,AICN的编辑Capone担当主持,Jesse和Aziz回答了很多问题。不幸的是照相机和手机等 电子设备都在放映厅门口被收走了,所以没拍到人影儿(但还是看到几次闪光,希望粉丝们有照到照片吧)。仅凭回忆写下大致的现场问答,前后顺序可能乱了,有 些具体回答记不清楚了,有一半都是paraphrasing.
CAPONE TO JESSE “Did you adjust your performance with the bomb vest strapped to you? ”
JESSE “Movie set is a contrived environment, there are a lot people who’s not in the movie on set. The bomb vest keeps me safe, make it feel more realistic for me”.
CAPONE “片中有很多不错的音乐,你们有参与选音乐吗?”
AZIZ “没有,不过Ruben(导演)会问‘你觉得这个怎么样’。他也很鼓励我们即兴表演
Capone to Jesse “片中有个关于facebook的笑话,是(因为你)故意放进去的吗?” (编:和《僵尸乐园》里不关心facebook更新性质差不多的笑话)
JESSE “It is not deliberate. The guy sits in his car by himself every day. He gets dismissive about interacting with people and the things go around him. He’s depressed. It’s an inside joke.”
CAPONE “算上这次Aziz已经和Danny McBride合作过两次了,大家都认为有你们两个的片子会很搞笑,但事实上你们几乎没有对手戏。”
AZIZ “是的。说不定我们真正的对手戏一点也不好笑呢。”
CAPONE “我知道Jesse很喜欢Nick,但你和Nick也没什么对手戏。”
JESSE “It’s a good thing we don’t have scenes together. Because they are so funny I want to laugh when we are in the same room. It won’t be any good since I’m supposed to be upset with the bomb strapped to me. ”
观众提问: “Jesse,你更喜欢演喜剧还是剧情片?”
JESSE “对我来说两个类型是一样的。My job is to make the characters as realistic as possible.”
CAPONE “Jesse要在罗马拍Woody Allen的新片,片子是偏向drama多一点还是喜剧多一点?”
JESSE “*hesitate* It’s more comedic. But his drama films can be comedic too. My favorite Woody Allen film is Crimes and Misdemeanors. It doesn’t end well but it is funny throughout.”
CAPONE “That’s true. I’ve interviewed actresses worked with Woody Allen this question. And they say ‘It depends on how he cuts it’ ”.
观众提问 “Jesse, 片中的开车场面都是你亲身上场吗?”
JESSE “I did the driving by myself, more than how it is done usually. I would drive between 20 stunt drivers and follow behind them after my shots were done. ”
观众提问 “I saw Roger Dodger the other day and it is great. Did you do a lot of improvisation in that as well?”
AZIZ “去看Roger Dodger,如果你们还没有看过的话。It’s a great movie.”
JESSE “I didn’t get to do a lot improvisation on that movie because the script is so well written. The director wrote the script himself. Campbell Scott talks very fast as well. ”
观众提问 “你们有过糟糕的工作经历吗”
JESSE “I have done musical theatres since 10. To some people it maybe is a bad job.”
AZIZ “I work at a Wendy’s drive through right now.”
观众提问 “这个电影是根据在一个真实事件的基础上的,送外卖的那个结局不是很好。 这对你们的表演有影响吗”
JESSE “It is fictional characters in this movie, like every other story it is inspired by something. I know the story you are referencing. We didn’t know it while shooting this movie. It didn’t affect much because our movie is fictional. ”
CAPONE TO JESSE “Do you have anything coming out between this and the Woody Allen movie?”
JESSE “No. Because Woody Allen puts out his films so quickly and Predisposed is an independent film, it will take a while for the company to find distribution and to be put in the theatre. ”
CAPONE “Ruben(导演)的新片Gangster Squad正在筹拍中,这是否意味着不会再拍《僵尸乐园2》了?”
JESSE “应该是吧。I didn’t hear about it. Usually the longer it waits it’s more difficult to get it made. People will just forget about it.”
*观众席上有人说“I’ll never forget about Zombieland.”*
JESSE “What is that?”
AZIZ “They will not forget about Zombieland the movie.”
JESSE “That’s what they said about Holocausts.”
观众提问 “你们自己觉得影片结束后主角们会发生什么事情?”
AZIZ “第二天他又来找我说被绑上炸弹了!Here we go again!”
JESSE “我们拍了很多种结局。包括让故事在第二天结束的。但最后我们觉得让影片在夜晚结束这个结局最好。”
AZIZ “相信DVD会收录其他几版结局的。”
p.s. Aziz Ansari很幽默,在现场人气很高,观众问他的问题可能比问Jesse的还多,比如“更喜欢stand-up还是演戏?” “有考虑向drama类发展吗” “有关Parks and Recreation” “和Judd Apatow正在筹划中的电影?”等等,不一一复述了。
主演: 杰西·艾森伯格 Jesse Eisenberg / 阿兹·安萨里 / 丹尼·麦克布耐德 / 尼克·斯旺森 / Dilshad Vadsaria / 迈克尔·佩纳 / 比安卡·卡里什 / 弗莱德·沃德
类型: 喜剧, 动作, 犯罪, 冒险
地区: 美国
片长: 83分钟
上映: 2011-08-12
有幸参加了Ain’t It Cool News组织的30 minutes or less7月7号在芝加哥的试映会(曲折的进场经历就是另一个故事了)和影片结束后半个小时的Q&A。看了一场不错的喜剧,见到了两位主演 Jesse Eisenberg和Aziz Ansari. Double success!
影片的大致剧情,主角Nick(Jesse饰演)是小镇上的披萨外卖员,披萨店的招牌是”30 minutes or less(保证30分钟内送到外卖,超时不收钱)”. Nick每天的工作就是开着他的破车送披萨外卖,经常受老板白眼,有时被隔着两个小镇的想吃霸王餐的小屁孩捉弄。业余生活无非是和青梅竹马的朋友 Chet(Aziz Ansari饰演) 在家里看看动作片;和Chet的双胞胎妹妹吃饭聊天,心里酝酿下对她多年暗恋情愫神马的。平静很快被两个不务正业的混混打破,混混Dwayne打算借他人 之手杀了中彩票的老爹,急需雇佣杀手的1万美元;损友Travis帮他想主意捣鼓炸弹。二人借订外卖的名义绑架了前来送货的Nick,在他身上绑了炸弹要 挟他去银行抢1万美元。之后的8个小时内Nick和老友Chet经历了惊慌失措、和心上人表白、购置抢劫装备(假枪、走路车辆等等)、抢银行、飞车逃离警 察、和杀手打架、和混混们谈判、交接赃物等等一系列活动,其间由二人“没经验”引发无数笑点;伴随着两个混混的各种荒唐愚蠢,影片在1个半小时内紧凑利落 地结束。
演员们的表演都不错。Jesse没发挥他超人般快速念台词的功力,但一如既往的可口:戴棒球帽,抽烟(只有两个叼着烟头的镜头),飙车,拿着假枪乱挥舞… 印象比较深刻的反倒是是两个混混配角,没有炸弹压力的两人担负起了搞笑的重任。
正片后的Q&A大概半小时左右,AICN的编辑Capone担当主持,Jesse和Aziz回答了很多问题。不幸的是照相机和手机等 电子设备都在放映厅门口被收走了,所以没拍到人影儿(但还是看到几次闪光,希望粉丝们有照到照片吧)。仅凭回忆写下大致的现场问答,前后顺序可能乱了,有 些具体回答记不清楚了,有一半都是paraphrasing.
CAPONE TO JESSE “Did you adjust your performance with the bomb vest strapped to you? ”
JESSE “Movie set is a contrived environment, there are a lot people who’s not in the movie on set. The bomb vest keeps me safe, make it feel more realistic for me”.
CAPONE “片中有很多不错的音乐,你们有参与选音乐吗?”
AZIZ “没有,不过Ruben(导演)会问‘你觉得这个怎么样’。他也很鼓励我们即兴表演
Capone to Jesse “片中有个关于facebook的笑话,是(因为你)故意放进去的吗?” (编:和《僵尸乐园》里不关心facebook更新性质差不多的笑话)
JESSE “It is not deliberate. The guy sits in his car by himself every day. He gets dismissive about interacting with people and the things go around him. He’s depressed. It’s an inside joke.”
CAPONE “算上这次Aziz已经和Danny McBride合作过两次了,大家都认为有你们两个的片子会很搞笑,但事实上你们几乎没有对手戏。”
AZIZ “是的。说不定我们真正的对手戏一点也不好笑呢。”
CAPONE “我知道Jesse很喜欢Nick,但你和Nick也没什么对手戏。”
JESSE “It’s a good thing we don’t have scenes together. Because they are so funny I want to laugh when we are in the same room. It won’t be any good since I’m supposed to be upset with the bomb strapped to me. ”
观众提问: “Jesse,你更喜欢演喜剧还是剧情片?”
JESSE “对我来说两个类型是一样的。My job is to make the characters as realistic as possible.”
CAPONE “Jesse要在罗马拍Woody Allen的新片,片子是偏向drama多一点还是喜剧多一点?”
JESSE “*hesitate* It’s more comedic. But his drama films can be comedic too. My favorite Woody Allen film is Crimes and Misdemeanors. It doesn’t end well but it is funny throughout.”
CAPONE “That’s true. I’ve interviewed actresses worked with Woody Allen this question. And they say ‘It depends on how he cuts it’ ”.
观众提问 “Jesse, 片中的开车场面都是你亲身上场吗?”
JESSE “I did the driving by myself, more than how it is done usually. I would drive between 20 stunt drivers and follow behind them after my shots were done. ”
观众提问 “I saw Roger Dodger the other day and it is great. Did you do a lot of improvisation in that as well?”
AZIZ “去看Roger Dodger,如果你们还没有看过的话。It’s a great movie.”
JESSE “I didn’t get to do a lot improvisation on that movie because the script is so well written. The director wrote the script himself. Campbell Scott talks very fast as well. ”
观众提问 “你们有过糟糕的工作经历吗”
JESSE “I have done musical theatres since 10. To some people it maybe is a bad job.”
AZIZ “I work at a Wendy’s drive through right now.”
观众提问 “这个电影是根据在一个真实事件的基础上的,送外卖的那个结局不是很好。 这对你们的表演有影响吗”
JESSE “It is fictional characters in this movie, like every other story it is inspired by something. I know the story you are referencing. We didn’t know it while shooting this movie. It didn’t affect much because our movie is fictional. ”
CAPONE TO JESSE “Do you have anything coming out between this and the Woody Allen movie?”
JESSE “No. Because Woody Allen puts out his films so quickly and Predisposed is an independent film, it will take a while for the company to find distribution and to be put in the theatre. ”
CAPONE “Ruben(导演)的新片Gangster Squad正在筹拍中,这是否意味着不会再拍《僵尸乐园2》了?”
JESSE “应该是吧。I didn’t hear about it. Usually the longer it waits it’s more difficult to get it made. People will just forget about it.”
*观众席上有人说“I’ll never forget about Zombieland.”*
JESSE “What is that?”
AZIZ “They will not forget about Zombieland the movie.”
JESSE “That’s what they said about Holocausts.”
观众提问 “你们自己觉得影片结束后主角们会发生什么事情?”
AZIZ “第二天他又来找我说被绑上炸弹了!Here we go again!”
JESSE “我们拍了很多种结局。包括让故事在第二天结束的。但最后我们觉得让影片在夜晚结束这个结局最好。”
AZIZ “相信DVD会收录其他几版结局的。”
p.s. Aziz Ansari很幽默,在现场人气很高,观众问他的问题可能比问Jesse的还多,比如“更喜欢stand-up还是演戏?” “有考虑向drama类发展吗” “有关Parks and Recreation” “和Judd Apatow正在筹划中的电影?”等等,不一一复述了。