
《进军脱口秀The Opening Act》

主演欧阳万成 / 黛比·瑞恩 / 莫洽·梦若 / 比尔·伯尔 / 郑肯 / 更多...
类型: 喜剧
制片国家/地区: 美国
语言: 英语
上映日期: 2020-10-16(美国)
又名: 开场一刻
IMDb链接: tt8633748

   主角Will O'Brien梦想成为一名单口喜剧演员。当他有机会为自己的偶像Billy G做开场表演时,他必须决定是继续自己已规划好的生活,还是去逐梦喜剧圈....

Will Chu is stuck in a thankless job while trying to pursue his true passion in life, becoming a stand-up comedian. When he gets the opportunity he's been waiting for, the emcee slot on the road opening for his hero Billy G., the realities of life on the stage come crashing in. Between relentless hecklers, drunk comedy groupies and hard-to-impress morning radio DJs, things get off to a rough start. Even if he can learn from his idols and overcome the challenges, he'll have to prove he has what it takes to make his dream a reality. Written by RLJE Films


If you are a fan of comedy, then you are already well aware of Steve. I have had the pleasure of seeing him a few time when he has come to the Bay Area, and he never disappoints. If you have seen him perform, then you already know this. Having said that, while listening to Bill Burr's podcast this past week, Steve was on the show and they were promoting his new film, which he said was loosely based on his story. I couldn't wait to rent it so that my wife and I could have an official excuse for not touching each other while in bed. I kid, I mean my partner, I mean my day old socks. All joking aside, Steve's film is exactly what we need in these Covid times. It's bitter sweet, because as comedy fans, we know that comedians are struggling due to Covid. Luckily, comedian's like Steve, and others, who are fortunate enough, and have the resources, can still bring laughter into our lives while showing us the struggles from the other side of the comedy club. Thank you Steve for this perspective on a comic's journey. Hope to see more great work from you and others in the years to come, and of course can't wait to see you live again when you visit the Bay Area.

Bottom line, if you love comedy, then you will love this story. Rent it, or buy it, you won't regret it.

The story has an interesting idea, but is executed very poorly... slow and akward pacing makes the movie very boring. You see very early on that the director and comedian Steve Byrne has not much experience in directing and tries his best to put his personal experience with stand up on the screen. It has some funny jokes and the right message, but lacks in skill set. The acting of the most actors are terrible (and i am huge stand up fan and know all the comedians). The dialog scenes are little off and delivered poorly.

I follow most comedians and their podcasts and was happy to see many known faces but it makes it even more dissapointing to see them in a bad movie.

Imagine, for a moment, that a stand-up comic is just like a superhero. On stage, he’s a master of the universe, armored and impervious, slinging jokes like lightning bolts. He defeats all adversaries, from hecklers to the potential indifference of the audience; laughter, of course, is his way of killing. If that’s what a stand-up comic is, then “The Opening Act,” Steve Byrne’s wryly likable shoestring indie comedy about a young man trying to make it in the world of stand-up, might be described as a stand-up-comedy origin story.

Will Chu, played by Jimmy O. Yang of “Silicon Valley,” is an aspiring comic who’s been doing open-mic nights in his small hometown of Steubenville, Ohio. He’s got some funny material. He grew up watching stand-up on TV with his immigrant father (they bonded over it like sports), and he knows the form, works on his bits, and has the instinct for playing off his appearance and persona — in his case, the fact that he’s an extremely youthful-looking Asian-American with long hair parted down the middle and the face of an impish angel. “I’m not, like, the macho guy,” says Will in one of his establishing jokes. “I wish I could be that guy. Like, I’m really good-looking if you’re into anime.”

Watching Will, we want him to succeed, because he’s a sweet dude, and he wants it so much. He’s got an adoring girlfriend (Debby Ryan) and a day job working as a cubicle drone at a car-insurance company. So when he gets the chance to MC a four-night stretch of shows at the Pennsylvania Improv in Pittsburgh, it’s a potential big break, his first rung up the ladder to a career as a professional stand-up. He’s so bent on doing the shows that when his boss (Bill Burr) won’t give him a day off, he quits his job to take the gig.

Will has the desire and, we hope, the material. But does he have the attitude? The world of stand-up comedy is a fascinating and, in many ways, scurrilous place, and Will, arriving at the Improv (where he looks up to see his name on the marquee spelled “Will Chew”), is like the virgin at a frat-house party. He doesn’t smoke pot, do blow, or go to strip clubs. That makes him, at this club, odd nerd out.

Chris (Alex Moffat), the other featured comic under the headliner, is a reckless womanizer, a party dude who wears his sleaze on his sleeve. Yet he’s also a total pro who’s comfortable in his skin on stage; he’s always killing. Even Chip (Neal Brennan), the quizzical club manager, has an in-your-face way about him (when he asks for Will’s cell-phone number, it turns out he’s flirting with him). What everyone at the club has is a certain aggro quality that’s wound into the DNA of stand-up.

Will, by contrast, is a polite dweeb who totes his joke notebook onstage with him like a security blanket. The first night, he gets through his set just fine, muffing only the easy part: his intro to the headliner, Billy G (Cedric the Entertainer), a blustery former sitcom star who is one of Will’s idols. And Will has three more nights to make up for it.

But then the unthinkable happens. He starts to bomb.

After a wild, dissolute night that begins with him playing wingman for the horndog Chris, he accompanies Chris to a radio interview the following morning. Will’s only job, during the 10-minute PR spot, is to toss a few jokes around. He tries, but doesn’t cut it. He’s cringingly earnest, and that dead air is more mesmerizing than any of the jokes.

What’s gripping about Will’s failure isn’t just that he blows the spot (and gets mocked for it on the radio afterward). It’s that everything that’s wrong about his approach seems to emerge from what a nice guy he is. He has lunch at a diner with Billy G, played by Cedric with a perfect fusion of encouragement and worldly indifference. Billy tells him, “Even being a headliner don’t mean you’re a comic.” You’ve got to “find your own point-of-view, get your own voice, get selfish with that shit.” And he’s right. Good stand-up comics don’t just make you laugh — they electrify the air around them, drawing you into their own heads.

It’s that selfishness that Will lacks. Jimmy O. Yang gives a slyly appealing performance as a comic who may be too good a person to be a nightclub star. Having heard Billy’s advice, we expect Will to go on stage and get better, but instead he falls down a rabbit hole of his own dithering — right on stage. It’s cringe-inducing. (The hecklers who keep saying “Ohio sucks!” seem to be right.) And in its way, it’s an authentic scene of the sort I’ve never quite encountered before in a movie about stand-up.

Becoming a successful stand-up comic is an uphill climb, one that not everybody is cut out for, and “The Opening Act” is a likable ode to those hard knocks. The film is full of comedians who speak in peppery patter — like Ken Jeong, as the mentor of Will’s who sets up the Improv gig for him, or “SNL’s” Alex Moffat, who incarnates a certain breed of prankish masculine club-stage bravado that’s searching for the humanity beneath the toxicity. The aggression of stand-up comedy is the fuel that’s needed to be funny, the fuel that lets a comedian survive. But seeing Will creep up to embracing the X factor of comedy is more than just funny — it’s moving. He’s learning, for the first time, how to play himself, and turning that into a hilarious state of grace.



这种电影就算二次元来看也觉得二吧?《最佳伙伴 》

更新描述或海报 导演 :  胡鹤译  /  李慧娴 主演 :  朱主爱  /  Aloysius Pang  /  权怡凤  /  葛米星  /  程旭辉  /  更多... 类型:   剧情  /  喜剧 制片国家/地区:  新加坡 语言:  汉语普通话 上映日期:   2016-05-26(新加坡) 片长:   107分钟 又名:  Young & Fabulous IMDb链接:   tt5617274 根本国产片谐音片名基本是烂片的定律,这部新加坡的华语片也属于该定律范畴。 想不到新加坡会拍出一部很中二的二次元文化电影,我以为除了日本,大概就只有大陆的傻蠢编剧导演会拍这些尴尬电影。COSPLAY这个在电影里真很有点幼稚。《闪光少女》还能接受点。剧情主线接受不能,笑点?原谅我GET不到。比看国产青春片还要坐立不安。 男主像胡夏。女主很漂亮,原来是马来西亚新一代女神朱主爱,来中国发展吧,一定大红大紫。 都什么年代了,还用父母门第阶层来营造爱情的障碍。不时听来一段英文怪怪的,毕竟我们的语境不一样。 一部描写三个青少年朋友景天,紫甯和郝仁的成长故事,叙述他们如何通过重重挑战和难关,披荆斩棘追逐梦想。过程中,他们认识了自己,体会到友谊的真谛,了解到如何处理与父母和老师之间的关系,以及如何鼓起勇气,捍卫自己一直坚持的信念。通过角色扮演这个长辈看来非常无聊的活动,三个朋友互相辅助学习,在彼此的帮助下,克服了各自的障碍。     郝仁教景天如何善用口才与供应商讨价还价来节省服装制作的成本,鼓励他勇敢表达。紫宁则把自拍绝招传授给景天,提拔他的自信心。间接的,景天克服了自己口吃的障碍,变得更有自信。紫甯和郝仁也在景天的影响下,在生活和学业上,更尽责和努力。     现今社会竞争尤其激烈,年轻的一代将如何在这个重视现实胜过创意思维的大环境下逆流而上,一路怀抱着梦想与希望寻找勇气和自信,闯出属于自己的一片天?


更新描述或海报 导演 :  三浦大辅 编剧 :  三浦大辅  /  石田衣良 主演 :  松坂桃李  /  真飞圣  /  富手麻妙  /  猪塚健太  /  樱井由纪  /  更多... 类型:   爱情  /  情色 官方网站:   shonen-movie.com 制片国家/地区:  日本 语言:  日语 上映日期:   2018-04-06(日本) 片长:   119分钟 又名:  Call Boy IMDb链接:   tt7529650 原文在medium: https://medium.com/%E7%94%B0%E4%B8%AD%E5%B0%8F%E5%B1%8B/%E5%A8%BC%E5%B9%B4-2018-%E7%BE%8E%E5%A6%99%E7%9A%84%E5%A5%B3%E6%80%A7%E5%90%91%E7%B2%89%E7%B4%85%E9%9B%BB%E5%BD%B1-6cad25ffbc97 《娼年》 其實是一場 「安全的」 性冒險、性成長的故事,這份安全感顯得原著普通,但這樣的安全感在電影,卻是與觀眾建立一種極少數的類型電影-- 女性向軟調色情(softcore pornography) --默契的開始。 女性向色情作品並不是沒有需求,這是個長遠的抑制和誤解的同謀,而近期,網站平台中的女性向推廣計劃在歐美或日本雖不乏關注,但在商業電影之中卻難得有這樣的作品,何況是這麼「好看」的作品,在電影攝製上帶有過去 粉紅電影(ピンク映画) 的榮光--尤其最終「高潮」戲十分諧趣美妙,成功地著墨出這部性成長電影的點睛之筆,靈肉結合,由性見心,敞亮的「讓我看你的性愛」就是「讓我看你的心」。啟用的演員也是頗受女性青睞的一線男星 松坂桃李 ,非常適合成為觀眾各自、私自愉悅的盤中肉(guilty pleasure)。 故事關於 桃李 飾演的男大學生成為娼夫後的見識和體悟。 石田衣良 這個作者擅長的就是把危險的因子、邊緣的樣貌收攏入他結構安穩的小宇宙,晶...


《颐和园》 (英文: Summer Palace )是一部2006年中国大陆电影,由 娄烨 执导, 郭晓冬 、 郝蕾 、 胡伶 和 张献民 主演。影片讲述了两名青年男女跨越十几年的的感情纠纷,其中穿插着 六四事件 等社会背景。本片也是中国大陆首部男女主角正面全裸出镜的电影 [2] ,而早期电影如《 小武 》(1998) [3] 、《 蓝宇 》(2001) [4] 、《 绿帽子 》(2003) [5] 、《 星星相吸惜 》(2004) [6] 等有男性正面全裸的镜头。 本片于2004年9月开机,2005年5月关机,拍摄时长九个月。取景地点包括 北京 、 重庆 、 武汉 、 柏林 、 北戴河 、 图们 。《颐和园》于2006年5月18日在 戛纳电影节 首映。电影中的政治色彩与大量的性爱场景在中国大陆受到关注 [7] ,因未经中国 国家广播电影电视总局 批准而擅自参加 戛纳电影节 ,本片在中国大陆被封禁,导演与制片人受到了处罚。 1987年,中朝边境 图们 。邮递员晓军去邮局拿信件,之后来到余红父亲开的杂货铺。余红打开信件,发现自己被北京的“北清大学”录取。余红在一个篮球场与晓军见面,晓军与几个打篮球的人发生争执,被打得鼻青脸肿。晚上在草丛中,余红与晓军发生了性行为。 余红乘火车来到了北清大学,开始了大学生活。一天,余红结识了隔壁宿舍的女生李缇,聊天中她告诉余红她男朋友若古在柏林留学。李缇和余红与回国后的若古见面,并与在同一大学的周伟结识。余红逐渐与周伟走近并与其发生性关系。两人在 颐和园 昆明湖 泛舟,在夕阳下相依。 余红去周伟宿舍,发现他正与一个女生一起吃饭,余红见状离开。周伟去台球厅找余红,余想挣脱周伟的怀抱,但最后顺从。在一次欢愉后,余红要周伟去结扎,并称那样就不疼了。周询问缘由,余说是心理学老师告诉她的,并且她和他上过床。北清大学的学生开始去天安门,余红几人也一同跟随。李缇与周伟在宿舍进行性行为时,被学校人员发现。余红见到了周伟的一名舍友,他告诉她教务处已经知道了周李的事情,让她不要再去见周伟。 余红遇到了来北京探望她的晓军,两人和衣而卧,半夜晓军悄然离去。余红发现晓军不见,急忙到操场寻找。在操场示威过程中枪声响起,学生们开始四散。余红的舍友冬冬找到周伟,告诉她余红不见了。周伟急忙带领冬冬寻找余红,但未果而返。冬冬再次找到周伟,告...